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Joy, Inc.: How We Built A Workplace People Love Download


In 2013, Rich and his publisher, Penguin Random House, took a chance that a business book with the words joy and love on the cover might have impact. His best selling book, "Joy, Inc.: How We Built a Workplace People Love" now has Rich traveling the world speaking about joy, creativity and human energy in the workplace.

223. The human being is made for love and cannot live without love. When it is manifested as the total gift of two persons in their complementarities, love cannot be reduced to emotions or feelings, much less to mere sexual expression. In a society that tends more and more to relativize and trivialize the very experience of love and sexuality, exalting its fleeting aspects and obscuring its fundamental values, it is more urgent than ever to proclaim and bear witness that the truth of conjugal love and sexuality exist where there is a full and total gift of persons, with the characteristics of unity and fidelity[495]. This truth, a source of joy, hope and life, remains impenetrable and unattainable as long as people close themselves off in relativism and scepticism.

Joy, Inc.: How We Built A Workplace People Love Download


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